The Outlaw
(Legacy Series Book 11)
Available on Audio!
Paranormal Historical Epic
*The Wild West – 1875*
Ben Myers escaped to the untamed west to find a new life away from the demons of his past. Instead, he finds himself in the middle of a conflict that his conscience won’t let him abandon. As a werewolf that can’t hide his true nature, he’s avoided by most of the folks he encounters. But one girl, desperate to find her family’s murderer, beseeches him for his help. She has no idea what he really is, and only knows that his unique talents can help her find the killer. But there’s more out on the lonely prairie than cattle rustlers and bitter natives to contend with.
When it becomes clear that this gang of outlaws are no ordinary men, Ben knows he’s in over his head. Convinced that he was the only werewolf in the wild west, he never thought he’d have to deal with a pack of his own kind who have adopted a twisted superior view of where they rank in the hierarchy of life. The only way he can bring them to justice is with the help of another older werewolf sheriff by the name of Bart Croxen, who’s been jaded and has his own beliefs about the nature of their kind. Closed in on both sides, Ben must choose what’s right and fair before a deadly shootout brings it all to a bloody end.
Excerpt from Chapter 1
“Now, son,” the marshal started, “I know you’re lookin’ for justice. I would be too. But I doubt if you’d ever find a soul in all of Colorado who knows where Clarence Biller hides out. He just vanishes into thin air after every crime. You see all them wanted posters?” He gestured to the wall that Sarah had been glaring at during his speech. “I got my hands full tryin’ to rope in these fellas. I’ve got a better chance of findin’ any of them than I do of findin’ Clarence’s gang.”
Sarah bit at her chapped lips, wishing she had the nerve to say what she truly felt. She would have blasted the man into next Tuesday and accused him of being a lazy lawman. If he was truly bent on finding any of those outlaws, he wouldn’t have been lounging back in his chair with the two front legs hovering off the floor. He wouldn’t have been sitting around in the jailhouse with his deputy and a half-empty bottle of whiskey on the table.
But something of her mother’s teachings stuck like cactus needles in her skin. She wouldn’t call Marshal Jenkins all the foul names she wanted to scream out against the other marshals who said they couldn’t help her either. She stood, her hands balled into tight fists until the blisters on her palms smarted with the pressure.
“My suggestion to you is to take this up with the sheriff of Park County or – “
“I already did,” Sarah spat, minding to keep her voice deep. “He said the same as you.”
The marshal folded his arms over his thick chest, making the silver star on his vest flash in the afternoon light. “Then the best you could do is get down on them knees and pray some man will find Clarence one day and bring him in for the mile-long list of debts he owes to families like yours.”
That wasn't what she wanted to hear. She couldn’t move on from this. Never. She needed to see Clarence Biller hanging from the end of a rope, even if it was the last thing she’d ever witness.
Without another word - because she had nothing nice to say and wouldn’t thank him for his time – Sarah stormed out of the red brick jailhouse and down the steps onto the grassy lawn. The soft clink of a bottle neck upon the rim of a glass could be heard from inside. Sarah strode away, convinced there wasn’t any other way she could influence the marshal to take back his decision.
A hot gust of wind kicked up a thin cloud of dust as a few cowboys rode past on their way to the main street. They paid her a brief glance, but nothing more. The baggy clothes concealed any curve that her feminine figure possessed, making her like any other speck of dirt in these parts. No one tipped their hat to her or gave her those lurid looks. She preferred it that way.
What she didn’t prefer was how her disguise had backfired. As a woman, she received a heap of sympathy and lies. The lawmen said they were doing all they could for her, searching night and day. But they weren’t, and she knew it. Sarah was sick of being lied to and coddled. As a man, she thought she could get somewhere with the authorities.
She might as well have been spitting into the wind.
Sarah looked to the green and perfectly formed mountain range to the west. That thin strip of hills and peaks told her that she was nearing the edge of her search. She had banged on the doors of marshals in almost every town from Trinidad to Denver, no matter if they were eating dinner with their families or in the middle of an arrest. She’d make her case known and do everything short of beg at their feet for help. None would give it, and she was running out of towns.
The heavy clod of boots down the stone stairs from behind made her turn. The younger deputy marshal approached with his thumbs slung in his belt loops as if an unoffending posture would pacify her, eyes squinting in the bright sunshine.
“He means well,” the deputy said in a hushed tone, so his superior wouldn’t hear. “And I know you must be tired of being told the same thing. He may suggest that you lay down like you’re licked, but if you wanna have any chance of getting at Clarence, you might need to step a little outside the law.”
Sarah’s brows rose in the faintest bit of astonishment. It wasn’t every day that a lawman would suggest such a thing. “You’re saying I go after Clarence myself?”
The deputy scoffed at the idea. “Hell, no. Clarence would chew you up and spit you out like tobacco juice.” His eyes roamed over her body, seeing what any other man in Colorado saw – a rangy kid with dirt smeared across her sunburned cheeks and hair tucked under a hat to complete her disguise. But one thing that no one could mistake was her determination to find the outlaw and seek her revenge. It’s all she had thought about for two months. All she had left to hope for. “You got any money?”
She shrugged in her big coat. “Some.”
“Better hope it’ll be enough.” The deputy stepped closer and pointed toward one of the saloons settled on the secondary thoroughfare that ran along the shores of a meandering segment of the Platte River. She could only see the rear of it behind a few other buildings along Main Street, its red brick façade towering higher than its roofline. “There’s a man at the Summer Saloon who might be able to help you. I don’t know his name. I don’t think anyone does. But they say he’s a tough character. Comes around from time to time to gamble for a few hours and then leaves. My guess is that he’s some kind of bounty hunter, but he doesn’t talk to too many folks and all I hear is rumors. Might wanna go ask if he’ll help you for a price.”
Sarah was glad that the wide brim of her hat shadowed out the way her face paled at the thought of confronting a hardened gunfighter. Lawmen and store owners were one thing, but she’d never said a word to any of the uncouth ruffians in the saloons. Again, something of her mother’s cautionary tales echoed back to her from childhood. This quest for justice had taken her outside of her comfort zone plenty of times, but she had never done more at a saloon than beg for a glass of water or light wine and spoke as few words as possible to the bartender.
“You got a name?” she questioned again, careful to keep whatever fear or timidity she felt from affecting her voice.
“Nope. Never really ever got a good look at him either. Keeps his head down all the time.” He straightened and Sarah heard the way the deputy’s back popped as he rolled his shoulders. “I wish you luck, kid. If you’re the first one to take Clarence into custody, I’ll be sure glad I had the chance to meet you.”
The deputy turned and ambled back into the jailhouse to leave Sarah with this ultimatum.
She could keep pressing westward to Granite or north to Breckinridge in search of a marshal or sheriff who would be willing to go after Clarence. Or, she could take a chance and employ a bounty hunter. For all she knew, this mysterious man without a name might know Clarence personally. Her mother always said rough men somehow always knew about one another. They were all cut from the same cloth, forged in the same fires as The Dalton Brothers, Jesse James, Billy the Kid, John Wesley Harden, or The Reno Gang. They were all equally bad men who should be avoided by those who don’t want trouble.
But Sarah straddled the edge of trouble. This quest had taught her that she wasn’t going to get anywhere with the law, and now it seemed that she needed to step outside of it. Just this once.
Straightening her shoulders, feigning confidence, she crossed the street to the boardwalk that rounded the corner and made her way to the Summer Saloon.
Sarah compressed her lips and took one more big gulp of fresh air before plunging herself into the thick miasma of cigarette smoke, whiskey, astringent perfume, and manly smells that were poorly masked by it all.
Light from the two large windows on either side of the door illuminated the inside. The modest kerosene lanterns that hung from the ceiling would replace the natural light once the sun set. Round tables covered in green felt dominated the room, with a bar counter opposite the front door that stretched from one end of the hall to the other. A mirror reflected back the afternoon sun behind the bar, its edges rimmed in a dark mahogany that matched the countertop. Liquor bottles lined the space along the back, their labels proudly displayed for customers.
Fairplay was a sizable town, but this was not the only saloon worth visiting, and therefore did not have as many occupants – which she was grateful for.
Two groups of men were deep in their card games on either side of the room, muttering the occasional comment to their neighbors that was followed a grisly laugh or grunt. No music played and the only soft, pleasing sound would have come from the smiling, painted lips of the soiled doves who whispered in the player’s ears. There were four in all, each one pretty in her own right with long hair, faces as flawless as porcelain and eyes bright with the prospect of gaining a potential client.
The cowboys, miners, and farmers with cards in their hands looked as grimy and filthy as they smelled. Her father, a man who had been unafraid of dirtying his hands, at least had the sense to bathe every so often. These men, however, looked as if they had just come out of the mines or in from the fields.
Sarah was virtually ignored when she entered and kept a steady, but casual pace as she crossed the floor to the barkeep.
The proprietor with his white, rolled-up sleeves greeted her as he might any other customer. “What’ll ya have?” he asked as he slowed in his task of cleaning the polished wooden countertop. She presumed him to be the one whose name was engraved on the plaque above the sign on the façade, Leonhard Summer.
“Beer,” Sarah replied flatly, suddenly feeling her throat choked with the fear of confronting any of these men. To ask if she could pay them to help her track down a killer might as well have made her like one of the men who petitioned to the ladies of the street. If she didn’t dislike the way whiskey scorched her mouth, she might have asked for a shot of the firewater to steady her nerves.
Leonhard poured a glass from a keg underneath the counter and presented it to her. With a few coins, she paid the man and used the convenient placement of the mirror to watch the two coinciding games. With her elbows leaning against the edge and one heel hooked over the brass foot rail, she studied each of the men with no risk of discovery. They were all so engrossed with the state of their hand in the games that they didn’t pay her, or the prostitutes, any mind. While they all gave the impression that they could fire a gun with some level of accuracy, none of them struck her as potentially dangerous or vicious. Ill-mannered, yes, but not vicious.
The bartender resumed the task of cleaning and when he came back in her direction, she decided to be brave.
“I was told there was a bounty hunter here,” she began in a faint whisper. “Would you happen to know if he’s still playing?”
Leonhard glanced directly to the occupied table on the right side of the room and motioned with his rag. “That one in the glasses, I’d think. I know every man in here, except for him. Never gives his name or nothin’. Just comes and plays a few rounds, then leaves.”
Sarah leaned enough, so she could get a look at the man through the mirror. Like the others, she had discredited him upon first inspection. Now, she saw him in a different light. Slumping in his chair, one hand tilting down his cards while the other relaxed lazily upon the felt, he looked a hair older than herself.
A hat shadowed much of his features, giving them an enigmatic quality that both frightened and intrigued her. A dark bit of stubble graced his bold jaw, eyes almost completely obscured by the amber-tinted glasses he wore. Though she couldn’t see the direction of his gaze, she felt it upon her, burning straight through and rendering her motionless under its power. Every line of his fit, powerful body warned her against attempting any interaction with him. The way he stared so fixedly, and yet calmly, told her that he was well aware of her interest. Something about him made her want to run and burrow into the ground to hide until he was gone, but without saying a single word he commanded her to stay.
How she could have overlooked such a character was incomprehensible now. He stood out in this crowd but evaded the unfocused eye without even trying.
She tightened her hold over the glass of beer in front of her, only two sips taken from its measure. Thirst had left her entirely as a cold sweat beaded along her back and neck. The spell was broken the moment his head angled away from her enough to let her know that he was no longer staring.
Sarah swallowed hard and lowered her gaze, fortifying herself for when the moment came to talk to him. Contrary to how she felt, she refused to be cowed by this subtle intimidation. Justice and honor were at stake.
From the looks of the pot in the middle of the table, there was plenty more on the line. Greenbacks, gold and silver coins, and other trinkets of value were piled high, each man putting a fortune at risk over the five cards they held.
For some time, none of the men spoke. No new bets were placed as fate’s guiding hand hovered over them, waiting to deal the blow or bestow the reward. One man took a long drag from his cigarette and blew the smoke into the air as he tapped out the ashes into the tray on the table. He had a lady on each arm who favored his company above the others. Sarah could see the leg of another player bouncing nervously as he contemplated his hand. It was as if he were trying to will the faces to change to a more favorable combination. The remaining two – the one with the glasses and another with a gnarled scar across his left eye – silently assessed one another like two circling predators ready to pounce.
The game on the other side of the room was far more relaxed, the source of boisterous laughter and slapping of knees as men exchanged stories and jokes, betting only on pocket change and poker chips that held little to no value. The atmospheres were divided. It was like when a storm front was halted upon the heights of the mountains. One half remained sunny and bright, while the other was darkened by thunderheads. Lightning would soon strike, and Sarah was sure a fire would manifest from the sparks and destroy this whole place if someone didn’t break the tension soon.
“Stop movin’ your damn leg,” the smoker reprimanded. “You’re gonna spill my whiskey.”
The jumpy one snapped out of his concentration and all jittering stopped. “Sorry.”
“What’re you waitin’ for? You foldin’ or what?” the scarred man grumbled to the man in the glasses, one hand bending his cards almost enough to crease them.
The mercenary thrummed his fingertips upon the table once in a show of impatience before replying, “I’ve already got my all in. You gonna fold that wimpy hand of yours or keep fingerin’ that fifth ace?”
At this, Sarah turned in her seat and could see the glint of a knife blade laying across the agitated man’s lap.
A bit of her composure slipped, and she cagily watched each of the men for their reactions. The armed gambler’s piggish nostrils flared and if it were possible for him to be any more grotesque, Sarah doubted it. The cigarette dangled from the smoker’s mouth, all amusement gone. The two women edged further behind the man they thought would win this round. The one who wasn’t scared to show his anxiety finally folded and threw up his hands.
“I don’t want no trouble, Morgan,” he said to the one hiding the bowie.
The third gambler leaned back until he was balancing on the back legs, wholly unfazed by the unease that began to make its way across the room to purge the cheerful mood on the other side. Lips that were smiling now turned down into a worried frown as they stared at the scene unfolding.
Beside her, Leonhard’s hand reached for the shotgun underneath the counter. Either he had seen these situations enough to know the outcome, or he knew Morgan well enough to predict how he would react.
“Take it easy, Morgan,” the bartender warned. “Don’t make me holler for the marshal like I had to last week.”
“You stay outta this, Leonhard!” Morgan thundered, swiveling around to point an angry, calloused finger toward the bar. Much to Sarah’s chagrin, she flinched and looked away.
“We’re just playin’ a friendly game of poker,” the mercenary said coolly. “Ain’t no need to get all excited.”
Morgan spun back and slammed his hand on the table. “Show your hand or fold!”
This jostling of the tabletop caused the whiskey in the smoker’s cut crystal glass to slosh over the rim. The only repercussion Morgan would receive was a nasty look. The sole level head in the saloon was the one whose eyes she couldn’t see and whose face she couldn’t read.
A few seconds passed and the five cards were finally laid upon the table. A neat row of diamond royals stared up at Morgan and the other gamblers.
Jaws went slack, eyes went wide, and calculating minds added up the total value of the pot on the table. Only the brave exclaimed over the high sum and the dumb luck that anyone could pull a strong hand like that on the first try. Sarah might have assumed the man was cheating, but as the others inspected their own cards, they didn’t say another word about it. There were only twenty cards between them and none were available to draw or exchange. A hand like this only came around once or twice in a lifetime.
The face of the scarred man wrinkled with a contemptuous sneer. “I think you been cheatin’. Ain’t nobody can win ten games in a row,” he said to his rival.
A long slow breath was expelled from the young man. “I ain’t gotta cheat. You been bluffin’ since you walked in the door and you can’t hide it any better than a rooster can hide its tail feathers.”
Sarah mutedly begged the man not to rile his opponent. The last thing she wanted was to be caught in the middle of a shootout in a saloon. She had been fortunate enough to avoid them thus far.
The smoker took a long drag of his cigarette and threw down his hand, showing only one pair of tens and an ace of hearts. Morgan’s bent cards weren’t so weak, but his triplet of kings would have beaten the nervous man’s two pair.
When the mercenary was done collecting his winnings, he left the table and ambled toward the bar counter to stand right beside Sarah. He counted out the bills and gave a few to Leonhard. “Their drinks are on me.”
Now would have been the time to ask him about her predicament, but her tongue was held tight when the harsh scraping of chair legs upon the wooden floor jarred her out of her fascination.
Someone shouted and the only thing she saw was the mercenary catching the blade of the bowie knife in his fist. Morgan was on his feet, chest heaving and eyes wild for payback, but it came to nothing. If the knife had been allowed to follow its projected path, it might have found its way into the man’s back. Instead, it was flipped around and the mercenary stabbed the counter, the tip stuck firm in the wood.
Sarah stared, lips parted in amazement. He had caught the knife in midair so swiftly that it defied logic itself. How could he have known it was coming? And why didn’t he fight back? Any other man would have taken the invitation and returned the blow instead of rendering the knife useless, now jammed in the bar top.
A few of the older men fled to Morgan to calm him down while the mercenary slipped from the saloon, much without Sarah’s notice. It all happened so quickly, so suddenly that she had to remind herself to move and carry out her purpose for coming here. This man, this even-tempered mercenary gambler, had to help her find her parents’ killer.
(End of Excerpt)